11.04.2010 20:06
Önnur grein um ,,Hot spot"
Hot spots in dogs
Also known as acute moist
dermatitis, pyotraumatic dermatitis, moist eczema or "summer sores,"
hot spots are raised, red, wet and oozing wounds on the skin's surface
that are often self-inflicted by a licking or chewing dog. They can
appear and spread very rapidly, and some will persist for months. Often
the fur around a frequently-licked area will have a pinkish tinge
caused by the saliva. Sometimes the hot spot can have a foul smell.
There is usually hair loss at the site, but occasionally the wound can
be hidden in the fur, and the dog's relentless licking or chewing is
the only tip-off.
What causes hot spots?
immediate cause of a hot spot is a bacterial infection of the skin. The
inflammation is itchy and painful for the dog, so he licks or chews at
the site for relief. and further irritates the sore. Saliva is filled
with bacteria and not a very good salve for wounds. As the dog becomes
more frantic to relieve the irritation, he may become more aggressive
with his chewing. Some dogs will bite to the point of self-mutilation.
The most common sites for hot spots are those accessible by mouth - the
flank, legs and paws, and the rump - but itchy dogs will get wounds
anywhere they can scratch. A hot spot is painful as well as itchy. Some
dogs might become protective of their sore and nip or growl to keep you
away from it. These dogs might need to be sedated for treatment, and
your veterinarian might prescribe a pain-killer.
ultimate cause of a hot spotcan be more difficult to determine, but is
especially important with multiple, chronic, or recurring sores. The
occasional incident might be caused by a simple irritant such as a
thistle or bug bite. Most hot spots occur in the summer months during
hot, humid weather. Some breeds, such as Labrador and Golden
retrievers, are known to be predisposed. In general dogs with thick or
long hair coats are at risk. Dogs prone to ear and anal sac infections
are also more susceptible to hot spots.
in the fur or trapped undercoat can prevent normal aeration and drying
of the skin, and result in hot spots. Frequent brushing (especially
before a bath) and a short summer hair cut are good preventatives.
Excessive bathing can further irritate skin, but there are aloe or
oatmeal shampoos available for dogs with sensitive skin. Dogs with very
thick coats may need to be towelled or blow-dried after swimming or
Many owners find that
a change in diet can be helpful for a dog with hot spots, whether or
not food allergies have been diagnosed. Some commercial diets are
formulated especially for dogs with sensitive skin. Often these are
fish-based (for example, salmon as the main protein source).
Supplements are also available, usually containing omega fatty acids.
inhalant or food allergies are often blamed for hot spots, the most
commonly diagnosed allergy in dogs is Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).
This hypersensitive reaction to flea bites may appear suddenly in a dog
that has never reacted before. The owner may not realize the dog has
fleas, but it only takes one to cause a hot spot! Fleas are easy to
treat and easy to prevent with a quick trip to the vet's office.
Other allergies can be trickier to identify. Your veterinarian can run
a hypersensitivity test, but more commonly the trial-and-error method
is used. Food allergies are often "diagnosed" with a change in diet -
many different hypoallergenic diets are available.
Dermatitis resulting from an environmental allergen is also called
"atopy." The allergen might be seasonal (as with ragweed allergy in
people), geographical (for example, localized to a specific park or
town), or something found commonly in the home (dust or mold). Air
purifiers and frequent vacuuming are a good way to keep allergens out
of the house, for people and pets. Your veterinarian might recommend a
dog-safe dosage of over-the-counter antihistamines (such as Benadryl).
Other anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids can also be
prescribed by a veterinarian.
Other Medical Causes
fleas, there are a variety of external parasites that might cause
itching, some of which can affect people. For example, sarcoptic mange
in dogs causes scabies in humans. Persistent or recurring hot spots
might indicate an internal disorder, such as hypothyroidism. Skin
biopsies or blood tests might be needed to track down the underlying
disease. Occasionally the irritant is well below the skin. Some dogs
with osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD) will develop
hot spots as they nip and lick at their painful joints.
causes of hot spots are not uncommon, but can be the most difficult to
eliminate. Some dogs will groom excessively when they are stressed or
bored. Often a stressed dog will stop licking when the stress is gone,
but a dog that licks compulsively may be very hard to discourage. In
these cases it is important to subtly alter behaviour without
inadvertently providing reinforcement in the form of attention.
Substituting a toy or other activity can provide a distraction and a
positive outlet for stressed or hyperactive dogs. A busy or tired dog
will not need to find ways to amuse himself!
What is a lick granuloma?
Occasionally, a thickened area of new scar tissue can form around a hot
spot. It will appear lumpy and bleed easily. This is called a lick
granuloma and generally occurs when the inflammation is chronic. The
infection may have spread to the deeper layers of the skin and require
more aggressive treatment. Your veterinarian might even recommend
surgical removal of the granuloma.
What is the treatment for hot spots?
The wound itself needs to be kept clean and undisturbed for healing to
occur. Usually, the area is clipped to remove overlying fur (shaving
can cause further irritation) and washed with a mild soap or
antiseptic. The hot spot might need to be gently cleaned several times
a day to remove crusty build-up. If inflammation is severe, systemic
antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed by a
veterinarian. Topical treatments may be used, but care should be taken
to ensure the cream or ointment is not going right into the dog's
mouth! In some cases these can be toxic when ingested. In other cases,
inappropriate use of an ointment might seal in the existing infection
and prevent healthy aeration of the wound, slowing rather than aiding
the healing process.
An Elizabethan collar (the dreaded head cone!) can be used in the short
term to prevent the dog from accessing the wound, and socks can help
reduce scratching. Stubborn dogs can be very creative when it comes to
pulling off bandaging, and a bad-tasting substance (such as Tabasco
sauce or bitter apply spray) can be applied on top of the bandages to
discourage the dog from picking at them.
In most cases, determining and treating the underlying cause of the hot
spots - allergy, disease, behaviour - is more than half the battle.
Often, small hot spots will heal on their own or with only minor
intervention. Some owners find that a cold compress (such as cold tea
bags) can provide relief for the dog until the sore heals naturally.
Fur will grow back in a couple of weeks.
By Jen Perret - Pets.ca writer